See also
Abaev Iron
    benefit; profit; gain; percentage
    • henyr wyn mænæj pajda nal īs
      ‛I’m no longer of any use to you now’
    • æz am amælʒynæn æmæ bambiʒynæn, ūmæj cy pajda īs mælikkæn?
      ‛What is the benefit to the prince if I die and rot here?’
    • cy pajda ū adæjmagæn, ægas dune jæxī k˳y bakæna, fælæ jæ adæn k˳y bazian kæna?
      ‛For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?’
    • pajda æmæ zian — ævsymærtæ
      ‛profit and loss are brothers’
    • … aly bon tuman pajda k˳yd kænoj…
      ‛…to give a huge amount of percents every day…’
Idioms and derivates
    pajda kænyn
    1. take advantage; give a profit
    1. beneficial